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12 tips for safe social networking

Social media is a fantastic development in human communications.  However, as with any technology, security should not be an afterthought.  Here is a very good list of simple security steps everyone should consider.–tips-for-safe-social-networking.html#slide4

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Biogen’s Alzheimer’s drug aducanumab implodes in a PhIII disaster — putting them at a perilous crossroads

UPDATED: Biogen’s Alzheimer’s drug aducanumab implodes in a PhIII disaster — putting them at a perilous crossroads   More at 

Social Media is About Content Marketing!

This is a great article about Social Media and how business can and should work with it. As I have advocated, not ads – content content content.

How elephants avoid cancer

Elephants have evolved extra copies of a gene that fights tumour cells, according to two independent studies1, 2 — offering an explanation for why the animals so rarely develop cancer. Why elephants do not get cancer is a famous conundrum that was posed — in a different form — by epidemiologist Richard Peto of the University of Oxford, UK,…

UC Irvine medical study gives hope to Orange County mom with ALS

She began seeing a physical therapist and stopped working out. Then in early 2017 came the limp — what the therapist termed “drop foot.” The next several months were filled with doctor visits, nerve tests, a broken leg and further weakening of Wittenberg’s limbs. By March of that year, the mother of two could no…

Drug delivery firm Cure Pharma boosts cannabinoid IP

Drug delivery firm Cure Pharma boosts cannabinoid IP 17-Apr-2018 By Flora Southey Cure Pharmaceuticals has received US patents for its cannabinoid molecule extraction and fractioning process. More

Shire sells cancer biz for $2.4bn

17-Apr-2018 By Flora Southey Shire has sold its oncology business to French firm Servier S.A.S as it looks to better align its long-term strategy. More

New Study Reveals Two Genes Associated with High Risk for ALS

Genetic mutations in two previously unrecognized genes, the microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT) and BNIP1 genes, are associated with elevated risk for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The study with that finding “Selective genetic overlap between amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and diseases of the frontotemporal dementia spectrum,” was published in the journal JAMA Neurology. As seen in other neurodegenerative diseases, abnormal accumulation of…

Newly-discovered human organ may help explain how cancer spreads

… Cancer transport But as well as protecting organs, the network may also aid the spread of cancer. When Theise’s team looked at samples taken from people with invasive cancers, they found evidence that cancer cells that had worked their way out of their original tissues could find their way into these channels, which took…